What World Do You Want to Create for Yourself?
Energy flows where attention goes
Watch where you place your attention because that’s where your energy, thoughts, and emotions will go, and you may become what you focus on.
Rather than consume what the external world tells you what to do and think, make the choice to decide how you want to think, feel, do and BE.
(Please read the full post because there are questions throughout that will help you choose the world you want to live in.)
First, I want to share a story with you.
A dear friend in Asia asked me if I’m aware of the human rights violations currently happening in China.
“I’m not,” I said.
She jokingly replied: “Are you detaching from the world’s affairs and living above the earthly matters now?”
That’s a Chinese saying pretty much suggesting I’ve become a monk and ignoring what’s happening around me. It’s the total opposite from where I was when I was a journalist.
What a thought-provoking statement from her! The answer is that I’m far from such detachment. If anything, I’ve pulled myself closer to the world — just in a different way.
As you are reading this, I want you to think about these questions: When you see a piece of negative news, what comes up in your mind? What emotions do you feel? What physical sensations do you experience?
I know what mine used to be pretty well: anger, fear, doubt about the human race. I condemn, I point fingers and then my mind creates stories that help me reaffirm the injustice and unfairness happening around the world. They would be backed up by stories that I have read and wrote in my previous career as a journalist.
Those negative thoughts, emotions and feelings would feed into how I see and react toward certain people, countries and the world. There’s a chance that they might chip away my hope.
What about you?
“Remember the good and the beauty around us.”
That reminds me of a story with a client:
She was moving out of her parents’ home for the first time but she was scared about not being able to make it financially. I invited her to shift her focus from her fear of failure to the reason she wanted to move out in the first place, the excitement she experienced and the good that would do for her. Now her mind has opened up and she can see more possibilities ahead. She was able to step into her power.
Many of us look at the scary side of things and forget about the good and the beauty that’s around us (have you remember one of my posts: Count You Blessings?) Has this happened to you?
I know there is always hope and love, so I choose to focus on them.
I choose to consciously focus on making human connections, making an effort to understand people so I can support them, as well as seeing them through love and compassion.
I’m selective about what I let into my space and energy; I watch how I react to events around me. It’s how I have chosen to live and engage with the world.
What about you? What world do you want to create for yourself?
“Love is contagious”
Here’s what I believe:
If we can take care of ourselves first, we will have the space, patience, energy to care for and listen to the others.
One by one, we touch each other’s lives.
That’s how we can change the world: Less pain, less hate, less anger, less violence, less greed.
We will no longer need others to give us anything because we always have ourselves to love.
Love can be contagious too, not just hate.
Rather than using up your magnificent human potential by focusing on the anger, fear and hate, choose love.
What do you choose?
These days, my way of contributing to the world include:
Providing continuous support and coaching to two moms who are going through trouble in their marriages.
Being supportive and encouraging to a single mom who left her abusive husband.
Supporting a friend and an entrepreneur who is experiencing obstacles in her business.
I believe in love and the magnificent potential of every one of us. I hope you do too.
I would love to hear your thoughts, so please share your opinion here.
What world do you want to create for yourself and do you have trouble envisioning it? Let’s talk! Click on the button below to schedule your first complementary coaching session.
Together we can change the world.
With love and peace,
Emerge to Illuminate blog supports working parents who seek to live a purposeful, soul-satisfying life. You can subscribe to my newsletter here, and share the love if you think your family and friends will benefit from my posts. ❤️