
Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises

In my practice, we work with the mind and body together. For the mind, I use one of the most powerful and transformative tools, called the Internal Family Systems (IFS) or Parts Work.

For the body, I tap into TRE®, or Tension and Trauma Releasing (Recovery) Exercises as well as Therapeutic Yoga and Reiki.

I love TRE because it is a very simple yet effective self-care tool that can aid in the body’s release of deep muscular patterns associated with stress, tension and trauma. This practice is beneficial in dealing with parental burnout and can promote improved mental health.

By safely activating a natural reflex mechanism in the body, TRE allows for shaking, vibrating or pulsating in the body that can release muscular tension, calm the nervous system and restore balance to the body. 

Through this practice, you can also increase your awareness of bodily sensations and impulses, giving you the ability to pause and regulate your own emotions before reacting.

This self-regulation is a vital tool for helping you become more comfortable with your own and your children’s emotions. 

TRE focuses on releasing the psoas muscle that holds physical, emotional and mental stress that we carry in our bodies over the course of our lives.

TRE can improve your resilience and strength, and foster a deep connection with your body. You will  learn to be present with yourself and develop a strong relationship with your body. 


Benefits that have been reported to me include: 

Feeling calmer

Feeling relaxed

Feeling rested

“My body is feeling lighter”

Less anxious

More patience

More spacious in the body

“My headache is gone!”

Less busy in the head

I (almost) fell asleep

“Like I’ve meditated for 20 minutes!”

David Berceli, PhD, developed the TRE technique after spending two decades working in war zones in the Middle East and Africa. During this time, he not only witnessed trauma in those he served but also experienced it himself.

TRE, once learned, can be used independently as needed throughout your life, thereby continuously supporting and promoting personal health and wellness.

* TRE is a tool to help release tension, stress and trauma. It is not trauma therapy.

This technology is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Medical advice must only be obtained from a physician or qualified health practitioner. Results may vary between individuals. There are no guarantees, expressed, or implied.

* A 30-minute free consultation is offered to those who are new to TRE. A package of 5 sessions are required after that. What I have found is that once someone is fully committed to a process longer term, they get the best results.

* I offer single sessions only to returning clients.


A package of five sessions for new clients: $560.

A hourlong session: $120 (for returning clients only).

Click the button below to book private sessions. Contact me for private group classes.