I AM the Most Optimistic Person in the World
Photo by Artem Podrez from Pexels
This post is not about me. Please read it as if it's about you.
I’ve got an exercise for you.
Try out this thought like you are putting on a new shirt: “I am the Most Optimistic Person in the World” and then think about what you want to accomplish.
Notice how you feel before and after you put on that shirt?
I would love to hear what you experience with that thought. Any questions and comments are also welcome. You just need to drop me a line.
But read this post first so this exercise can make more sense.
I listened to a mom who was toying with the idea of getting a full-time job of her passion.
But she was worried about what would become of her kids if she is not around.
What if they get into drugs and crimes? she asked.
I listened to a dad who talked about how much work he has to put into a new job that’s more harder than he expected. I saw tiredness and the overwhelming look on his face.
I listened to a mom talking about how to make money to buy a house and send her kids to college, projecting 10 years into the future.
I listened to my inner thoughts and sensations in my body.
All of our lives are made up of different experiences.
Sometimes, life feels hard and challenging. We ask ourselves the questions:
How do I get more out of what I have? What more can I do so we can have a better life? What if things turn out bad?
We are sometimes wrapped up in the thoughts of scarcity and fear.
Those thoughts live beneath our conscious awareness.
Our speaking, choices and decisions reflect that scarcity and fear, unknowingly.
We miss the gifts and blessings we already have, right now.
I listened to my thoughts.
I basked in the sunlight.
I was inspired and joyful.
I don’t fret about the future.
The future is yet to come.
No man can predict the future with full uncertainty.
What is there to project?
I don’t fret about the future,
even though there is no reason for me not to if I base my future on the current circumstances.
I just don’t.
I listened to my thoughts and they said:
I am the most optimistic person in the world.
A few minutes later, I got into the elevator of my office building.
I pressed the button of the top floor. Two men walked in before the elevator door closed; they each pressed the button of the floors below me.
One man said:
“It must be annoying that you have to wait for all the floors to stop before you get to yours.”
“That’s not really what I was thinking at all,” I said before I wished him a good day.
I was actually thinking:
I am the most optimistic person in the world.
That thought came up multiple times before.
I judged myself as being naive.
Now I am happy to embrace this idea.
I see it as a gift.
With that idea, I can create whatever I love to create,
without the state of mind that can potentially be dominated by fear and scarcity, and that can stall the actions I want to take.
I asked:
How can I approach life with ease and flow?
I don’t project into the future that has yet to arrive.
I am enjoying what I have now, because now is all there is.
I accept whatever there is now — as it is.
I have no worries, no complaints or whatsoever.