Experiencing Miracles

Miracles are around us all the time. Are you able to see them?


Today is the first day of 2022. It is also my son Julian’s 9th birthday.

My husband and I feel immense gratitude for his existence especially on this day. 🙏

“The whole world is celebrating your birthday today, Julian,” we tell him the same old joke every year.

Julian is a miracle. He is a blessing. 🌟 The fact that he arrived during the most difficult time of our lives is a reminder that he is a special gift, especially after we held off from having children for so many years! 

My husband often says that now Julian is here, he can’t imagine he wasn’t never around, like his soul has always existed somewhere. 

Do any parents out there feel that way about their children?

It is said that, in some spiritual beliefs, a soul enters the fetus as early as six weeks after conception. The idea his soul traveled into my body and the idea his soul chose ME tears me up every time I think about it. What an honoring experience.

Most parents would agree that raising a child isn’t easy. Before Julian came, I often heard people say that having kids is difficult but it’s a rewarding experience. What cliche! How could that be worth it? So I thought. 

Well, of course I can understand that now. That's why you can't make predictions on something you have never experienced.

I sometimes joke with Julian, “You drive me crazy sometimes, but I still love you!”

That pretty much sums it up for me.

I especially treasure those heart-warming moments that Julian showed me the other day.

One night, he dragged me to bed. Squeezing his eyes gently and beaming with a big smile, he held me in a tight embrace, whispering in my ears, “I love you.”

“What have gotten into you?!” I said to him jokingly. It was not totally a joke. He no longer wants to be seen being hugged or kissed by me around his friends. His poor mom. 😂

While in bed, Julian held me for so long and in such an awkward position that I asked him to let go. But he wouldn’t. 

“This is enough for you. Your quota for hugs today has run out, or I’m going to have to charge you for Love,’’ I said. “You can Venmo me, or I also take PayPal." 

We burst out laughing. 

Poor Julian has had to stay home during much of the Christmas and New Year holidays this year because he contracted Covid. Fortunately, his symptoms were mild. 

“What do you want to eat for your birthday?" I asked him. "We have frozen pizzas and burgers in the fridge."

We laughed. How mean his mom is.

I’m glad he has a sense of humor. 

Don’t grow up too fast, my dear boy. I want to enjoy you for a little longer before you fly away. 

Daddy and mommy love you to the moon and back.  ❤️

What miracles do you experience in your life? If you can't seem to find them, look closer. However big or small, they are always around.

With love, peace and joy, ❤️