Being Comfortable with Discomfort


Talking about comfort zone, this is AWKWWWWWARD!

I committed to creating this video yesterday after I had some exchanges with my own coaches about my fear.

I realized I fell into my own trap, dealing with fear by pushing it away rather than getting to know it. That had paralyzed me for a few days.

As I got to know it more and I was able to find more peace and ease, it was like dark clouds parting, the power of fear softening and losing its grip.

I felt freer again.

This video is my way of practice of being Outrageously Me, Courageously Me. BUT it's also about your relationship with discomfort and fear.

Toward the end of the video, I approached a few strangers with this look that I had for Halloween (minus the rainbow eye lashes because I'm saving them for ANOTHER video.) 🥰🌞🍀

By the end of it, I felt...surprisingly peaceful. Who would have thought?? If you don't try, how will you know?

With that freedom and peace, I can continue to create again.

Want to find peace in discomfort? Click the button below and ask me how I can support you. ❤️

I want to express gratitude to my my husband who reminded me: "You don't need to play safe."

What about you? Which areas in your life do you play safe?

With love, peace and joy, ❤️