Are You Being Too Hard on Yourself as a Parent?

When you feel like you’re not doing a good job as a parent, it’s actually not a bad thing

Sometimes I judge myself as not being a good enough mom or not patient enough. When I look deeper, I realize I am too harsh on myself. 

That means I care deeply about my child. Only good things can come when I care.

Julian and I were throwing our shoes in the air. We created this game: whoever threw them the highest won!

The truth is my heart is overflowing with love for my son, Julian. I am doing my best to provide for him, to nurture him, to understand him, to encourage him and to guide and support him.

I respect and love him for who he is.

I spend many of my waking hours thinking about how to be loving while asking for what I need, and be flexible while being firm. I think about how to encourage and motivate, rather than telling, and how to teach him to take ownership of his responsibility and actions. 

Julian is loving, affectionate, considerate, wonderfully sensitive, decisive, a fast learner, strong-minded, imaginative, creative, comical and more. He is learning to discern the things that happen around him. He’s learning to understand and manage his actions and emotions.

As a parent, I keep reminding myself of WHO I AM, and I strive to be aware of my thoughts and judgements.

I am learning to love my imperfections.

I tune into Julian’s emotions and actions, as well as mine and my intuition. 

I constantly distinguish between my values/beliefs, and the expectations and judgements of others and the society.

I strive to be a deep, neutral listener, and non-judgmental as a parent. Only when I can be closer to that, I can see his innocence and hear what it is that he desires and fears; I can truly see him through a lens that isn’t distorted by my own and other people’s judgements.

That reminds me that Julian is truly a miracle and a blessing. 


This post is not meant to tell you what you should do as a parent; it is meant to remind you of who you are as a parent and your values. It’s a reminder to be kind to yourself, too.

My goal is for you to become more aware of your thoughts and judgements on yourself, the people and the world around you. What we think affects what we do and say, including to our loved ones.

I would love to hear your thoughts and please share them with me. You can also click the button below for a deep dive coaching session and we can talk about how I can support you.

With love, peace and joy, ❤️