You Can Be a Powerful Creator, No Matter What Comes Your Way

(Listen to an audio format of this post here.)

The world is for you to create. 

If you want to have a loving relationship with someone,

If you want to be more patient with your children,  

If you want more satisfaction at work, 

If you want a new job or a new career,

Or with whatever you want to create,


You’ve got to decide that you want it and you will create it, no matter what.

No-matter-what means, no matter what circumstances that you believe are keeping you trapped, no matter what reasons you think are stopping you, and no matter what people think, say or do, you still take actions toward your goals.

No-matter-what is — when you take conscious, continuous, consistent, persistent efforts toward that goals. 

No-matter-what is — when you fall, you pick yourself up and keep taking actions over and over again.

No-matter-what also means you see the good in things (especially in relationships).

No-Matter-What can be your superpower.

You might have read the story about my career change. When I decided to make that shift, I crossed the point of no return, mentally and then physically.

It all started with a thought, and then all of my actions followed that thought. I went for training and practiced my new skills. My family moved out of our house into temporary housing, we took our son out of school and moved across the country. We went on a two-week roadtrip, driving almost 4,000 miles and crossing 10 states.

Energy flows where attention goes.

If you don’t make a 100% commitment,

If you don’t go all in, 

If you keep doubting yourself, judging your ability, wondering I’m-not-sure-if-I-can and worrying about the what-ifs,

that half-hearted effort can create conflicts inside you.

That conflicts can drain your energy and time.

It is that internal conflicts that get you stuck, that stall you and hold you back.

It is that internal conflicts that take up a lot of your headspace and energy that could have gone into Creating.

Spend no time in dwelling on your past.

Spend no time in wondering what others might think or say.

Spend no time in waiting for people to give you permission or validation.

Spend no time in waiting for the “right” timing, situation or environment.

Spend no time in waiting for the “right” feelings to come. 

Spend no time in judging what is “good” or “bad.”

Life is ever-changing.

There’s always going to be ups and downs in life.

Can you accept life as it is?

Can you accept who you are?

Can you accept where you are?

Can you love What Is?

Do not underestimating your ability or resourcefulness to create. 

Creation can take shorter time than you think, when you can DECIDE you will go for it from where you are right now, leaving no room for external distractions.

Then you will get there, no matter what. 

You may ask: How can Stephanie help me create what I want?

There are many ways, depending on what you want:

  • You may want to get clarity about your goal.

  • You may want to create a compelling vision for your goal.

  • You may want to identify what exactly are stalling you (reasons can be several layers deep).

  • You may want to overcome the obstacles that are holding you back.

  • You may want to have more love, peace and joy in your life.

  • You may be having a hard time to accept your situation, the others or yourself. 

  • You may want to get a better understanding of why you are stuck or/and learn to how to get unstuck.

  • You may want help to dissolve the pain you are suffering….and many more.

I coach about your mind and thoughts, and I work with your body.

Here’s what I know: Easy Mind, Easy Body; Easy Body, Easy Mind.

When you experience ease and internal freedom, everything opens up.

Decide for yourself if you want to go all in today to create something together, you and I — just for you.

If you have made a decision or needs help to make a decision, get in touch or click the green button below.

What is non-helpful is that you don’t take any kind of action.

This is what I will promise you when we talk:

I will listen with my ears, eyes and my heart ❤️ wide open, no matter what. 
I will talk in a loving and non-judgmental way. 🍀🌞

With much love, peace, joy and happiness ❤️,

Stephanie Hoi-Nga Wongbatch1