How to Find What You Love Doing? Be a Soul Detective
When you feel clueless, be assured there are signs all along your life
You may be stuck in job that you feel has lost meaning. You may be a working parent who seems to be living on auto-pilot, juggling household and work tasks all day without a thought for yourself.
Deep inside, all you want is to feel ALIVE!
You are thinking to yourself: How do I figure out what I want to do?
The answer might be hard to believe, but the chances are that you already know. There are leads you can follow, like a detective. You need to examine the clues left by your soul that you can trace.
Look for them.
(Read on because there will be an exercise at the end. The exercise will make more sense if you read the post in full).
First a story:
Over the weekend, I took my son to his friend’s small birthday party. While most children played games and the parents chitter-chattered, his friend’s 11-year-old sister sat down quietly and played a few tunes on her mom’s piano without any music books.
The girl has never taken any music lessons. She just started playing one day, and she has improved a lot in the past few months.
Later on, she told me she learned to play John Legend’s “All Of Me” key by key by watching a YouTube video. I could tell she was hungry for more.
These voices are subtle…yet, they can be powerful.
What she said to me was like music to my ears (no puns intended); the girl was responding to the whispers of her soul. They have driven her to grow. These voices are subtle, their purpose and meaning aren’t always apparent and sometimes leave the person unaware of their existence. Yet, they can be powerful because they can bring joy, fulfillment and more.
Expressions of the Soul
Here is another voice I have heard last week:
A girl at my son’s gym described how she felt like she is in a flow when she’s learning to do tricks in her trampoline class. And she is – she is being carried by the expressions within her soul. These expressions come in different forms and sometimes they are hard to describe.
You probably have experienced this when you see something that’s so beautiful in nature or something that excites you, all you can say is: Wow, Whoa, Ahhhhh, Oooohhhh!
Your heart may race, you may get the chills, your hands may move with awe and excitement and your eyes may widen. Or you may simply be so dumbfounded that you sit in silence. Or, like this little girl, you may feel so alive that learning tricks on a trampoline come easily.
How does this relate to you?
When you feel confused, frustrated or bored with some aspect of your life, you may be ignoring the expressions that your soul is trying to send. If you are asking “What should I be doing?” it may be that the answer already resides within you.
Here comes the EXERCISE:
1) Recall moments or events in your life when you felt like you were in a flow like the little girl on the trampoline. At those times:
You were so deep in the moment that you lose yourself in it
You were so focused that the world around you disappeared
You lost all sense of time
You forgot all the negative things in your life
You didn’t care how difficult what you were doing was
You were unafraid
You were hungry for more of it
Your body felt light
You felt satisfied
You felt right
When you can conjure up those moments, you will probably see a different YOU than what you see when you look at yourself in the mirror. There is energy in you in those moments that is so powerful other people could see it.
2) When you have rediscovered those moments, ask yourself: What was I doing that was so important for myself? What elements of those moments affected me the most?
3) How are those elements showing up in your daily life today – at work, or at home? If not, what role do you want them to play in your life now and in the future?
Talk to your gremlins like your best friends who just want the best for you
This may be the moment when the gremlins that live within all of us come to the fore. Yours may tell you what you want is foolish, too difficult or impossible. The best thing to do with your gremlins is to acknowledge it and thank it. Yes, talk to them like they are your best friends who just want the best for you. (I know this part can sound like counterintuitive, but their jobs are to protect you fiercely).
Tune into your core and be guided by your inner compass. Be patient. This process could take time because your gremlins can cloud your judgement.
As Steve Jobs used to say: “Keep looking. Don’t settle. That’s because what you do can change the world. It starts from you.”
If you need guidance to work with this, click the button below to book a free call with me. We can also talk about how we can work together. You are also welcome to ask me questions and leave me comments here.
Love, joy, peace, hope
Emerge to Illuminate blog supports working parents who seek to live a purposeful, soul-satisfying life. You can subscribe to my newsletter here, and share the love with your family and friends if you think will benefit from my posts. ❤️