That starts with loving yourself first.
Read MoreA inspiring and heart-warming story of Stella Leaburn, an executive headhunter who talked about her childhood traumas. She was determined to stop the transgenerational traumas from being passed down to her children.
While Shaun talks a lot about business on media outlets like CNN and BBC, you will see a different side of him here because our conversation was about parenting!
This is my first in a series of interviews on the topic of parenting.
His recent Linkedin about his son's entrepreneurial efforts caught my attention and that's what led to our conversation.
Tremors help me feel less stressed, less anxious, more relaxed in public speaking and easier movements during swim.
What we teach our children often comes from how we perceive the world. That perception is influenced by our experiences and what we absorbed from parents, culture, the society and more.
I coach about Freedom, Love, Joy, Peace, Power.
And finding peace in fear.
When you feel like you're not doing a good job as a parent, it’s actually not a bad thing because it means you care deeply about your child. Only good things can come when you care.
I started doing things and making choices that surprised me BIG time!
So they can become your support
That starts with loving yourself first.
The world is for you to create. You’ve got to decide you WILL create, no matter what. All of your actions will then follow that one single thought. That’s when your life will transform.
In this video, I share what I call the “elastic-band’’ parenting tool, which encourages you to use and trust your own intuition as a parent, while tuning into your child’s needs. That can help guide your child into accomplishing tasks and achieving results.
I’ve got an exercise for you. Try this thought on like you’re putting on a new shirt. Let me know what you’ve experienced. But read this post first before the exercise.
As parents, we do our best to stay patient with our children. It's not always easy. Check out my video to see how you can cultivate the kind of state of being that can help you shift from anger, frustration or irritation to more patience.
Remember, we can always be patient and gentle with ourselves, too.
As parents, we always feel guilty when we spend money and time for ourselves, but we don't need to. Here are other perspectives that you can take a look at in this video.
Resistance is where your growth is. Never ever attempt to predict what your future would look like based on your current situation and thinking of today because your future is never set.
First Know and Accept Who You Are
When I have moments of doubt about my actions and decisions, my son Julian is always my guidance.
See the immense value in yourself. When you can, everything changes around you.
I want to share a declaration for my husband, Andy and our son, Julian.
Compassion, calm and peace can truly shine when you can find a place in your heart to forgive and open your heart to those who hurt you or give you pain.
You are powerful, but you probably can’t see that because of the colored lens you look through.
It's impossible to love and judge at the same time, including judgement over people or situations.
How do you know how far you can go until you try? This is a story about fear, death, judgement, assumption and self-imposed limitations.
這是我對我母親的愛和感恩的公開宣言。 我從來沒有想過我會那麼公開的表達我對我媽媽的感覺。 一切都始於她的醫生訪問,一個看似平凡嘅事件,最終帶出了一個關於痛苦同愛的故事。
This is a public declaration of love and appreciation for my mother. Never did I expect to express my feelings toward her so openly. It all started with her doctor visit, a seemingly mundane event that eventually led to this story of pain and love.
Watch where you place your attention because that’s where your energy, thoughts, and emotions will go, and you may become what you focus on. Create the world that you desire instead.
Blessings are everywhere even during your darkest moments.
I made a scary decision in 2019. What followed was fear, concerns and worries about my decision from family and friends. What I later realized was they were merely seeing their own reflections in me.
When you dig deeper, you may find your problems are actually desires. And YOU are the center of the gravity.
When you need help to make a decision, tap into your body and senses while working with your head. Try a visualization exercise to gain clarity by experiencing the future before it happens.
The chances are you already have some clues. There are signs all along your life.
When self-doubt keeps you stuck, remember what you have accomplished.
Lately, I’ve been walking through grass barefoot in the morning before I start work. It turned out to be a lesson about letting go of self-imposed restrictions and allowing myself to do what makes me feel good.
What is one secret ambition in your life?” -- This is the one question I always ask my new clients. Some of their answers surprise me.
That starts with loving yourself first.
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